NSC Health Walks

North Somerset Council orgainsed Walking for Health scheme - Go4Life


The Walking for Health scheme welcomes over 300 regular walkers a week in and around Clevedon, Nailsea, Portishead, Weston-super-Mare, Worle, Winscombe, Long Ashton and Yatton.


Our walks are led by friendly trained volunteer walk leaders who welcome you to join their groups. Many walk leaders are also first aid trained.


If you are new or returning to exercise, Walking for Health offer the opportunity to improve fitness at a pace that suits you with the majority of groups providing a number of walks so that all abilities are supported.


We also know that Health Walks is really important for social engagement as well as the physical benefits exercise brings. If you have been feeling isolated during Covid-19, health walks can certainly help you re-connect with others again.


Check our the Walking for Health website, where a list of many walks within North Somerset (including Winscombe) can be found.



Local Walks including Walk 1

This map includes all of the Parish footpaths that are included in North Somerset's definitive list of footpaths.

It gives some indication of where you may walk on local footpaths. Those with a number are on North Somerset's Definitive Lists of rights-of-way e.g. 3/23 is footpath 23 in Banwell and a single number indicates the footpath number and that it is a Winscombe footpath. The choice is yours!

Walk 1

To see how the village has changed stroll around the village guided by Christine Crossland's "A Walk Around Winscombe" - T&S Typesetting (November 1992) - and see how things have changed!


Mono map of PROWs within the Parish

Walk 2

Walk 2

Along the "Strawberry Line" to King's Wood. About 2.5 miles.

Starting from the Millennium Green walk South along the platform - important dates are stamped in brass on the edge. Pass along the track, over Woodborough Bridge, and see, on the left, what was once the Station Master's House. Further along you  will pass under Lynch Bridge. Another half mile will bring you to a tunnel: with a torch you will be able to see the limestone formations (with trapped insects). After the tunnel, take the steep path up on the right, over a stile and through King's Wood, following the wall closely, to a car park. Come out of the car park, cross back over the road, watching out for traffic, and walk down the steep sunken road, once the coach road. Enter the field on the right onto a permissive path. This is Sladers Leigh, an ancient meadow, sometimes full of wild flowers. Clamber down through the steps to the railway walk and "wend your way back whence you came".

Kings Wood in Autumn

Walk 3

Walk 3

Winscombe Church to Maxmills (circular walk) about 2 miles.

From St James Church walk down Church Road to Nut Tree Farm, turn left down the track just before the farmhouse. Pass over a style near Mill Pond Cottage (formerly the site of Woodborough Mill). Across the fields the water-works site to the right gives the position of Cox's Well. The artificial leet, created by cutting across the contours of the field, possibly dates from the Medieval period. Max House (c.1800) is on the left. In 1865 a perforated adze hammer (Neolithic) was discovered close by. The footpath joins Maxmill Lane at a stile: opposite the pond of Max Mills Farm. The earliest documentary evidence for Max Mill dates from 1319. Turn left along the lane. At the end of the lane cross Barton Road and walk up the track (Shephard's Lane), at the top turn left and follow the path through the woods back to the Parish Church of St James.


Winscombe church

Walk 4

Walk 4

To Winscombe Church. About 1.5 miles.

A walk to the Parish Church of St James the Great is a must. Leave the Woodborough Inn and walk along Woodborough Road, (see street map) past the bakery, where the Bird family baked for over 100 years. Just before going under the disused railway bridge you could take a diversion up to the right to see the Millennium Green, but, if not, carry on under the bridge until you meet a grassy triangle. Turn left here along Church Road past Nut Tree Farm (look out for the mounting block), and on up to the church (a descriptive guide is available within). Many authors have described the church's elegant 100 foot high "Somerset" Tower and the ancient yew tree at the entrance. And, don't miss the Queen Elizabeth Church Gate - as shown in this photograph.

Queen Elizabeth church gate

Walk 5

Walk 5

Along the "Strawberry Line" to Sandford Stone - about 2.5 miles.

Start at the Millennium Green. Walk north (away from the bridge). Preserved just off the platform are many of the original railway features picked out in original bricks. In spring and summer there are many wild flowers here that are typical of disused railway tracks. Keep going along the track, over the Accommodation Bridge, and along what was once the railway's embankment to pass ‘The Grove’ on your right, before returning to the track. Further along you will come to two bridges built of Triassic conglomerate, as are several of Winscombe's older buildings. The track eventually leads you to the borders of St Monica's retirement home, where, pleasingly, the former station has been preserved and is now the Sandford Station Railway Heritage Centre and is well worth a visit.

On leaving the entrance to St Monica's retirement home, turn right and walk along the main road towards Sandford Village.  Before reaching The Railway Inn (pop in, perhaps, for refreshment) turn right, opposite Thatcher's Cider, and walk along footpath 78 (see area map above).  The footpath eventually turns sharp left onto Hill Road.  Two diversions are then possible - the roadway to the left would take you to The Church of All Saints: the other, the roadway just opposite, would take you a few yards along Quarry Road to see our disused lime kilns, on the left and in the undergrowth.  If neither appeals to you, turn right along Hill Road and then Sandford Road back to Winscombe's Woodborough Inn for some more refreshment.

The Sandford Stones