Parish Plan and Neighbourhood Development Plan Information


There are a number of Parish Plans; they include:



Parish Plan Report 2010


This report was produced in 2009-2010 and published in 2010. It summarized the results of a Parish wide questionnaire designed to determine how the residents wished to see the Parish develop over the nest 5-10 years. The report represents the views of 74% of the households in the Parish and as a consequence represents the wishes of the majority of the community.



Parish Plan 2010 Questionnaire

This is the questionnaire that was used to generate the raw data for the 2010 report. It was given to every householder in the Parish.


Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Report 2016

Neighbourhood Planning commenced in 2012 with the Governments Localism Act. Local communities are now able to to produce Neighbourhood Plans for their neighbourhood, putting in place a vision and policies for the future development of the area. Before adoption the NDP must be backed up with demonstrable evidence that each of the policies are supported by the community. Before coming into force the NDP has to be accepted by a simple majority referendum of the community. The NDP must comply with EU, National and Local (NSC Core Strategy) policies. Once adopted the NDP has legal force and must be considered in any planning decision. The Local Plan (see above) published in 2010 has no such legal standing
A neighbourhood development plan has not been produced.


NPD Questionnaire 2016 Results