Community News

Logo Competition

Logo Competition

Published: 18 Jun 24

Are you between 11- 18 years old and live or go to school in the Parish? Read More...

Newsletter May 2024

Newsletter May 2024

Published: 3 Jun 24

The paper copy of the May Newsletter is now available Read More...

Citizens Advice (CANS)

Citizens Advice (CANS)

Published: 29 May 24

Citizens Advice has temporarily moved with the Parish Council to Thatchers Cider in Sandford. Read More...

Community Recognition Award WINNER!

Community Recognition Award WINNER!

Published: 15 May 24

Congratulations to MIKE TURNER who received the most nominations. Read More...

Annual Report 2023-24

Annual Report 2023-24

Published: 13 May 24

Last Years Parish Council Annual Report is now available. Annual Report 2023-24 Read More...

Annual Parish Assembly

Annual Parish Assembly

Published: 17 Apr 24

The Assembly is a meeting for the parish and not a parish council meeting. Local groups and associations are encouraged to come along to share their news or information. Read More...

Community Recognition Awards

Community Recognition Awards

Published: 2 Apr 24

Closing date for nominations is Friday 3rd May 2024 Read More...

Parish Litter Pick

Parish Litter Pick

Published: 6 Mar 24

Join us for the Great British Spring Clean on Saturday 23rd March Read More...

Road Closures

Road Closures

Published: 6 Mar 24

Details of the current Road Closures in the Parish Read More...

Parish Council Newsletter

Parish Council Newsletter

Published: 1 Mar 24

Here is the March digital edition of our Parish Newsletter. Read More...

WiNSpace and Financial Support Survey Results

WiNSpace and Financial Support Survey Results

Published: 8 Jan 24

Please click to view the survey results:

Parish Council Newsletter

Published: 20 Nov 23

For those who wish to receive the digital quarterly edition, and have not previously signed up, please email where we can add you to the circulation list. Read More...

Strawberry Line Closure

Published: 20 Sep 23

There will be a closure in place for the Shute Shelve tunnel from 2nd October for up to two weeks. Read More...

Police - Be home safe

Published: 2 May 23

The Police Be Home Safe team help people who are victims of crime or harassment to feel, and be, safer in their homes. Read More...

Tea and Tech

Published: 12 Apr 23

Come along for some free digital tips over tea and cake at Winscombe Community Centre on the last Wednesday of each month, 2 - 4pm. Read More...

You Now Need Photo ID to VOTE!

Published: 18 Jan 23

The UK Government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at some elections. This new requirement will apply for the first time in England at the local elections on Thursday 4 May 2023. Read More...

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